
The What

50 original 1/1 BTC Ordinals in 24px.
A Cyber-Fantasy themed CryptoPunks derivative PFP collection built on the PunkForce(ERC721) story a decade or so after the crash.

The Ordinals

The Lore


The hominids from Ellualiv and the Elementals have not yet appeared in Puledo, but the explosion has caused a fracture in the last stage. Nito and Lilu are still missing.

The Fall of Puledo & The Rise of the Ordinals.

Once a cyberpunk metropolis ruled by corporations, Puledo had now fallen into ruin. The high-rise buildings that once housed the elite were now crumbling.

But even in the midst of this desolation, there was still hope. For a group of rebels, known as the Ordinals, had formed to fight against the tyranny of the corporate overlords who still controlled what little remained of the planet's resources.

Years ago, a miraculous event had occurred when a strange object had crash-landed on the planet. It was an energy source unlike anything anyone had ever seen before, and it had the power to change everything. The corporations had immediately sent their armies to seize the energy source, but something went wrong.

The energy source had caused a massive explosion, wiping out the corporate armies and destroying most of the remaining infrastructure. The planet was plunged into darkness, and the few survivors were forced to band together in order to survive.

The Ordinals had emerged from the chaos, and they had managed to scavenge enough resources to build a new society from the ashes of the old one. They had created new technology to harness the power of the energy source, and they had developed new ways to grow food and provide for their own sustenance.

But even with these innovations, life was still a constant struggle. The energy source was powerful, but it was also unstable, and the Ordinals had to work tirelessly to keep it from causing another catastrophic explosion.

Despite the challenges they faced, the Ordinals remained determined to build a better future for themselves and for future generations. They knew that they could never go back to the old ways of living under the corporate tyranny, and they were willing to fight and die to keep their freedom.

And so, the planet remained a dystopian wasteland, but there was a glimmer of hope in the form of the Ordinals. They were the ones who had witnessed the downfall of the corporations, and who had fought to build a new society from the ruins. They were the ones who would keep the flame of freedom burning, or so they thought.

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